The Official Murphy Vending Website
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About Page

What's New Page

Contact Page

Welcome to the Official Murphy Vending Website.
We would like to thank you for your interest in Murphy Vending Inc. This website is here to help you understand more about our company and give you more information about placing machines in your business. A vending machine (or two!) can greatly improve a workplace scenario, your employees disposition and can also turn in more profit for you!
How do I aquire a machine?
If you are interested in aquiring a machine from Murphy Vending Inc. or if you just have some questions that you would like answered about Murphy Vending or the placement of a machine, please visit the "Contact Us" page on the left hand side tool bar. The "About Page" gives a summary of Murphy Vending and can give you an idea of how well-run and professional Murphy Vending Inc. is.

Cold and Resfreshing
An ice cold pop is a great way to cool down after
a hard day at work and with a vending machine, you
can make that possible.

What's New with Murphy Vending?
Keep visiting our "What's New" Page for site and company updates. Some of these include:

02/07/02 - Recently celebrated 38th Annviersary in London!
04/07/02 - The Official Murphy Vending Website is now on the net!
05/07/02 - We can now accept inquiries and comments under our "Contact Us" Page.

What is Murphy Vending all about?
What inspired the owner of Murphy Vending to start this expanding corporation? If I aquire a machine how will Murphy Vending maintain it? Get the answers to these and many more questions on our "About Page".

All your favourite flavours!
We supply all your favourite flavours of Coca-Cola
and Pepsi products. Want iced tea or root beer?
We've got that too!